Contact Information
AOL/AIM Screen Name:
If you have any spaces in your screen name please omit them.
E-Mail Address:
You will need a valid E-Mail address to participate
Due to Federal Guidelines, Command Officers are required to be 14 or older.
What time zone do you live in?
For scheduling purposes only
Character Information
If your character is an Android or a member of a species that does not have gender select N/A
Male Female N/A
Please no Q, Changlings, or all-powerful characters. These races are not fair to everyone else involved. Borg separated from the collective are allowed.
Simming Experience
How long have you been simming?
How many other groups are you currently in?
Have you ever been asked to leave a group?
A "Yes" answer will not automatically disqualify you from joining NTS.
No Yes
What is the highest rank you currently hold in any group?
NTS Regulations restrict Command Officers from holding a rank of Admiral or higher in another sim group.
If you are not in any other groups please put "None"
Ship Selection
Ship Name Sim Time (Est.) Commanding Officer
USS Millennium Monday; 8:00 P.M. Admiral Leonn
USS Expedition Tuesday; 8:00 P.M. Captain Laro
USS America Tuesday; 10:00 P.M. Admiral Tuvok
USS Destiny Thursday; 8:00 P.M. Captain Spectre
USS Elliot-Wallace Captain Data
USS Vico Email Sim Captain Laro
Primary Ship Choice
Alternate Ship Choice
Alternate Ship Choice
Department Selection
Primary Department Choice
Alternate Department Choice
Alternate Department Choice
Extra Stuff

If you would like to participate in any of these activates as an NTS Member, please select the corresponding checkbox(es)

Recruiting and Personnel
Research and Development
Foreign Relations
Subspace Communicator
Command Training
Starfleet Blue Squad

NetTrek Simulations always likes to know how new members found their way to our site. Whether it be from an existing member or a website please let us know. NetTrek Simulations rewards members for recruiting members. If you were recruited from an NTS Member please place their E-MAIL ADDRESS in the field provided. If clicked a link on another website, please place the URL in the field provided. Referred by member:
Referred by website: