Greetings and Welcome to the internet headquarters of NetTrek Simulations, a member of the Enchanted RPGs family.  If you have any questions, comments, inquiries, concerns, or for more information about NTS, feel free to send an email to  On behalf of NetTrek Simulations, I again thank you for making us your choice for the finest in online entertainment. 

Erik Nighthawk
President, Enchanted RPGs

NetTrek Simulations
Spring 2001

Starfleet Academy

Coming Soon to NetTrek Simulations, Starfleet Academy will bring to life many of the finer aspects of simming in a no-pressure training environment.  Cadets will be ranked based on experience and/or overall trek knowledge and will embark on 5-week or 8-week training cruises geared to teach cadets the ins and outs of life aboard a starship. 

During their stay at the Academy, cadets will learn the basics of engineering, science, medicine, starship operations, and tactical control.  Each sim is 1 hour long and the emphasis is always on learning.  Cadets are encouraged to help each other and work as a team.  After completing the prescribed training sessions, Cadets will each receive a unique certificate of completion and will be posted on the starship of their choice.  Cadets do not have to worry about lost time as the promotion requirements for people who have graduated from Starfleet Academy are significantly reduced.  For more information on Starfleet Academy, feel free to contact Admiral Perez.

Copyright 2001
Enchanted RPGs

All Information, pictures, ships, etc. created by and for NetTrek Simulations are copyrighted property of Enchanted RPGs, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  All other items on this site have been borrowed and are copyright of their respective owners.  NetTrek Simulations is a Star Trek-themed Simulation and RPG group created by Enchanted RPGs.  Star Trek is a copyrighted property of Paramount Pictures, Inc., a Viacom Company.  Enchanted RPGs does not charge a membership fee for its services and complies with all U.S. and International Copyright laws.  For more information, check out our disclaimers page.